About Us

Unchained is a female-owned facilitation and advisory firm founded and directed by Sarah Morse and Dr Stephen Morse who lead of team of creative professionals offering expert facilitation and practical solutions to transform your local and global teams. 


The Unchained team has a unique lived experience in humanitarian work and with the survivors of human rights violations including modern slavery and human trafficking. This is combined with our knowledge of tools and expertise to assist organisations through our range of strategic solutions.


We see the integration of responsible business practices implemented by every boardroom so that business leaders an make a positive social and environmental impact.


We demystify the dimensions of ESG and CSR with our strategic solutions which help organisations to get started, assess the risks, improve business practices, and make a positive impact on local and global teams.


Positive Engagement
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While we know the dark reality of human rights violations, we offer you a positive engagement of what is possible for your organisation to achieve in improving the lives of those caught up in it.
Insightful Strategies
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Our facilitation and advisory services are designed to offer key insights that will help your business develop a strategy to improve your value chain and develop a constructive remediation plan to address human rights and environmental violations.
Deep Empathy
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We not only know the stories of workplace exploitation, modern slavery and human trafficking, we know the people who have lived them. Our first hand knowledge of what's really going on in the lives of those being exploited brings the 'why' to our services.
Innovative Solutions
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We cultivate a new imagination for doing good in business through storytelling, design thinking and shared values. Our creative approach will connect your business goals to your purpose.
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We believe that human rights violations are not going to be solved in isolation, but rather as governments, businesses, and NGOs work together, and engage the real needs of suppliers and workers in the extended value chain.
Trust and Integrity
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We are committed to integrity, trust and transparency, as well as to providing best practice in assisting you in becoming a leader in addressing human rights and environmental violations including modern slavery and human trafficking.
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We utilise the best analytical tools in gaps analysis and risk assessment that enable you to develop the right approach in addressing risk in forced labour and child labour. We implement the ISO 20400 guidelines to advise on sustainable procurement practices.

OUR people


Director and Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker |
Writer |
Communications |

DR. Stephen Morse

Chief Executive Officer
Thought Leader |
Expert on Modern Slavery |

Elen Arruda

Social Policy Consultant

Ganesh Kumar

Business Analyst

Gabriela Barbarioli


Beatriz Gomes


Bruna Arrais


Who We’ve Served


Collaboration is the key to making a social and environmental impact

Unchained is committed to developing partnerships in order to maximise our impact the dimensions of ESG and CSR.



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